TOP 20 Most expensive AdSense keywords 2012
Posted On Monday, May 28, 2012 at at 2:07 PM by Owner
Google is making a lot of money with it’s AdWords and ad publishing program.Funny fact is this that most of Google’s earning comes from AdWords and AdSense, and these expensive AdSense keywords help Google as well as AdSense publishers to make good amount of money.
Insurance $54.91
Treatment $37.18
Gas/Electricity $54.62
Conference Call $42.05
Loans $44.28
Attorney $47.07
Lawyer $42.51
Mortgage $47.12
Recovery $42.03
Hosting $31.91
Rehab $33.59
Classes $35.04
Claim $45.51
Donate $42.02
Trading $33.19
Transfer $29.86
Software $35.29
Degree $40.61
Credit $36.06
Cord Blood $27.80